BH17 8 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

BH17 8 is a postcode sector in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole, UK. Below is a complete list of BH17 8 Postcodes (Active). BH17 8 postcode sector comprises of 121 active postcodes. BH17 8 sector has a population of 7649, and it has 3076 properties in the region.

Browse Information On BH17 8 postcode sector

BH17 8 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7649
Addresses / Property Count 3076
Active Postcodes 121
Nearby Postcode Districts 25
Nearby Postcode Sectors 3

View Map Of BH17 8 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 121 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
BH17 8AA 50.74233200 -1.95920900 N/A N/A 402975 93637
BH17 8AB 50.74243100 -1.95837300 N/A N/A 403033 93648
BH17 8AD 50.74310600 -1.95885400 N/A N/A 403000 93723
BH17 8AE 50.74290800 -1.96017200 N/A N/A 402907 93701
BH17 8AF 50.75084100 -1.95916600 33 43 402977 94583
BH17 8AG 50.75102000 -1.95831600 33 61 403037 94603
BH17 8AH 50.75011400 -1.96376000 54 99 402653 94502
BH17 8AJ 50.75084200 -1.96316400 16 57 402695 94583
BH17 8AL 50.75082400 -1.96400000 53 105 402636 94581
BH17 8AN 50.75126400 -1.96194400 56 128 402781 94630
BH17 8AP 50.74892600 -1.96488700 N/A N/A 402574 94370
BH17 8AQ 50.75361900 -1.95729300 61 203 403109 94892
BH17 8AR 50.75347400 -1.95577600 49 168 403216 94876
BH17 8AS 50.74941100 -1.96085400 33 80 402858 94424
BH17 8AT 50.74941200 -1.96208800 27 60 402771 94424
BH17 8AU 50.75084000 -1.95746500 29 47 403097 94583
BH17 8AW 50.75050800 -1.96048500 59 117 402884 94546
BH17 8AX 50.75072300 -1.95677100 43 80 403146 94570
BH17 8AY 50.74929400 -1.95918200 35 77 402976 94411
BH17 8AZ 50.74928500 -1.96017400 27 44 402906 94410
BH17 8BA 50.75181000 -1.95498400 54 99 403272 94691
BH17 8BB 50.75228700 -1.95516800 21 50 403259 94744
BH17 8BD 50.74957200 -1.95736700 36 74 403104 94442
BH17 8BE 50.74925800 -1.95845900 47 111 403027 94407
BH17 8BG 50.75084800 -1.95545300 37 62 403239 94584
BH17 8BH 50.74933800 -1.95580800 32 70 403214 94416
BH17 8BJ 50.74953600 -1.95671500 26 63 403150 94438
BH17 8BL 50.75198100 -1.95321200 32 104 403397 94710
BH17 8BP 50.75047900 -1.95261800 37 82 403439 94543
BH17 8BQ 50.75064100 -1.95461700 34 62 403298 94561
BH17 8BS 50.75000200 -1.95303000 29 76 403410 94490
BH17 8BT 50.74949900 -1.95389500 34 74 403349 94434
BH17 8BU 50.74923800 -1.95456100 57 162 403302 94405
BH17 8BX 50.75218000 -1.95644400 42 97 403169 94732
BH17 8BY 50.75242300 -1.95800300 22 57 403059 94759
BH17 8BZ 50.75192800 -1.95800300 25 61 403059 94704
BH17 8DA 50.75215400 -1.95961900 52 173 402945 94729
BH17 8DB 50.75269400 -1.96015700 60 210 402907 94789
BH17 8DE 50.74234200 -1.96017300 N/A N/A 402906 93638
BH17 8DF 50.74175700 -1.95956400 N/A N/A 402950 93573
BH17 8NT 50.73979100 -1.96695600 23 37 402428 93354
BH17 8PD 50.74458300 -1.96196400 7 17 402780 93887
BH17 8PE 50.74384500 -1.95999500 6 9 402919 93805
BH17 8PF 50.74482500 -1.96139700 26 63 402820 93914
BH17 8PG 50.74532000 -1.96139600 14 46 402820 93969
BH17 8PH 50.74530200 -1.96027700 6 17 402899 93967
BH17 8PJ 50.73986500 -1.97280900 11 32 402015 93362
BH17 8PL 50.74025000 -1.97213600 28 66 402062 93405
BH17 8PN 50.74122200 -1.97163200 30 73 402098 93513
BH17 8PP 50.74266100 -1.97008600 19 42 402207 93673
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